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It's my birthday today…which means that for twenty-two years, you mere mortals have had the privilege of seeing me, knowing interacting with me…ah! Some people are just lucky!

Theatrics aside, this year I decided that I wanted to celebrate a little differently from what is conventional. I was with a group of some incredible people I just met last night…and they couldn't even fathom the thought that I was not going to go party all night. Apparently, that's what you're supposed to do on your birthday. If you're not quite on the wild side of the party spectrum…if you prefer more chilled atmospheres…you're still expected to do something extra. We're celebrating you know! Come on…it's your birthday!

I know I'm beginning to sound like a bit of a party pooper, but don't get me wrong, I think birthdays are special, I mean, a human being was brought into this world…that is a big deal. So it's not birthdays I have a problem with, it's this idea that we have to celebrate in a certain way. Go out, spend money (which you don't have a lot of if you're in your early twenties…unless you are one of those LinkedIn freaks who are nineteen-year-old millionaires)

I like to go out, eat good food, spend quality time with the people dearest to me, but some days I just want to stay in, and that's okay…even if it's my birthday…especially if it's my birthday.

So this year, I thought I'd stay in and reflect on the past year of my life because wueh! It's been quite the year.

I got my first real job! I mean hello! I'm a working woman and what's even more amazing is I LOVE my job. Sure, it comes with its own set of challenges, but I've had enough conversations to know that I shouldn't take what I have for granted. Reality check: this is Kenya, more than three-quarters of the population remains unemployed despite being academically qualified, yet here I am with my degree in “life” (which is code for, I dropped out) with an actual job. I am not ignorant of the fact that I have been blessed to have people in my life who want to see me grow and have given me opportunities that not everyone has access to, so this is not me beating my chest and saying, “Look at me, I'm awesome!” Far from it…I'm just very grateful for this gift of grace that I so don't deserve.

I also cut my hair this year, and while I know that might not be a big deal to most people, hair is a very emotional thing for me. When I had dreadlocks, I often said, it's just a hairstyle…but who am I kidding? My hair had become such a huge part of my identity…and all of a sudden, it wasn't! I'm learning to love my hair at every stage, whether it's locked, braided or severely unkempt and thus covered with a wig.

I've had opportunities to go places I never thought I would. Flashback to a few weeks ago, I was in Kaptagat…and get this, I never thought I'd say this, and I apologise for what I'm about to say, but Tigoni is no longer number one on the list of the most beautiful place in Kenya, Kaptagat stole my heart. I'm sorry, the heart wants what it wants. If you know me, you know I'm a nature girl! Growing up in Githurai, Nakuru, Mwea, etc (I've lived in like a million places) I wasn't around so much nature. So when I moved to Tigoni, I was fascinated…it's so green…there are hidden streams and waterfalls at almost every corner…I had never in my life seen anything like it! I didn't even have time to explore Kaptagat, but I saw enough to know that it's a gem. While the rolling tea fields of Tigoni are a sight pleasant to the eye, they can never compare to the indigenous forests of Kaptagat. Nature…untouched…undefiled…rivers in their purest form…I'm getting jitters just talking about it. Are we allowed to have crushes on places, if so, I am head over heels.

I've met so many people this year. I've had very encouraging and very disheartening encounters in equal measure. I choose to draw lessons from both and at the end of the day, I stand by my belief that human beings are inherently good because God is good and it only makes sense because we were created in His likeness…ooooh…I'm about to preach! Just kidding…I've been preaching this whole time 😂

I'm still single and learning to be content with that. The temptation is real to settle for a situation that neither glorifies God nor gives me life, but I am surrounded by the most incredible people who are constantly reminding me that God wants good things for me more than I want them for myself, so I must trust him to bring the right person along when my heart is ready. On that note…if you feel like the Holy Ghost is putting it on your heart to pursue me…I'm always in the mood for a Mama Rocks Burger 😂…which leaves the question, “Does she really want to date or is she just hungry?” I guess we'll never know!

If you've made it this far, you obviously care about all my shenanigans and I love you for it. I have one more BIG highlight from the past year, and that is…I started a business! I love to tell stories…pretty obvious huh! I believe that stories have the power to foster connections, and to move people! So many people in my life have affirmed my abilities to tell stories in a meaningful and authentic way and I want to share this gift with the world.

In 2023, the most powerful tool for storytelling is social media. With that knowledge, I have started my journey as a freelance social media manager. My goal is to help brands tell their story in a way that creates meaningful connections and helps achieve desired results. So, while I appreciate all the birthday wishes and sweet words, it would mean so much to me if you shared my portfolio with your networks. Who knows, my next client could be one share away.

I appreciate every one of you who has walked this journey with me and I am so excited for what's next!

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